The Selfie Reserve

Governing the Selfie Economy

Chairman: Selfie Dog ๐Ÿ•

In 2013, the selfie became the defining act of a generation. More than just a photo, it became proof of attention, existence, and connection.

Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and others built their empires on selfies. They turned our moments into their profits, using our self-expression to fuel their growth.

The Selfie Reserve, led by Selfie Dog, flips the script. It tracks and governs the Global Selfie Market Cap (GSMC), recognizing selfies as the true currency of the digital age.

Every selfie is a unit of Proof-of-Attention, adding value to an economy built on shared moments and human connection.

The Selfie Economy isnโ€™t coming. Itโ€™s already here.

Selfie Economy Metrics

Metric Value ELI5
Total Selfies Ever Taken Loading... Proof of Presence, Minted Forever.
Global Selfie Market Cap (GSMC) Loading... The New Gold Standard of Attention.
Selfie Inflation Rate 8% - 15% per year ๐Ÿ“ˆ Growth That Never Deflates.
Fair Value of $SELFIE Loading... A Reflection of Human Existence.
Current Market Price Loading... Priced in Attention, Measured in Confidence.
X Needed to Reach Fair Value Loading... The Path to Equilibrium.
Attention Liquidity Index (ALI) Loading... How Much Attention Can the System Handle?
Selfies-to-Bitcoin Ratio (S2B) Loading... More Common Than Bitcoin, Just as Valuable.
Current Selfie Printing Rate Loading... The World's Fastest-Growing Currency.

Chairman Selfie Dog Speaks:

"Selfies will never stop."
Selfie Dog